WIKILEAKS Wed Dec 30 05:00:00 GMT 2009 (updated 9:24, with additional pages).
" The following document is one of 23 withheld from the Icelandic public relating to the Icesave dispute. The Minister of Finance issued a gag order on the documents. Even the country's parliamentarians may only see them under strict supervision.
The Icelandic parliament is due to consider the “Icesave bill” at noon today. The bill would have Iceland pay nearly four years worth of its entire economy (GDP) to investors from the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and other countries who participated in the failed Landsbanki “Icesave” scheme.
The leaked memo, from Iceland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, details a meeting held on November 12, 2008 in Brussels, in which the Icelandic delegation, quite naively, “begged for mercy” before seven EU Representatives (Germany, UK, Netherlands, Austria, Finland, Sweden and Denmark).
The document details how EU representatives attempted to force Iceland into taking on the debt burden coming out of the EEA Agreement.
The meeting was a follow up to the Ecofin meeting of November 4, 2008. The Ministry's author is not named, but similar documents have been written by Martin Eyjólfsson.
The original memo contains typographical and other errors. As a matter of historical accuracy, these have been retained. "
Julian Assange, editor
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