

Obama Claims ‘All Evidence’ Supports Allegations Iran Developing Nukes -- News from Antiwar.com

Obama Claims ‘All Evidence’ Supports Allegations Iran Developing Nukes -- News from Antiwar.com

U.N. rights rapporteur says end foreign trainee program 'slavery' | The Japan Times Online

A visiting U.N. expert on the rights of migrants urged the government Wednesday to terminate its industrial trainee and technical intern program for workers from overseas, saying it may amount to "slavery" in some cases, fueling demand for exploitative cheap labor in possible violation of human rights. "This program should be discontinued and replaced by an employment program," Jorge Bustamante, U.N. special rapporteur on human rights of migrants, told reporters at the U.N. Information Center in Tokyo.

Obama: ALL THE EVIDENCE shows Iran is developing nukes - Haaretz - Israel News

Obama said "all the evidence indicates" that Tehran is trying to get the "capacity to develop nuclear weapons." Advertisement With such a capability, Obama said that Iran could "destabilize" life in the Mideast and trigger an arms race in the region, adding that, for that reason, he felt "the idea here is to keep on turning up the pressure." - Haaretz - Israel News

What evidence? Where?

What He said does not make any sense unless he was actually talking about U.S. & Israel (but in that case they already have nukes!). Or he wants the whole world to know that he is seriously evil. The Godfather of the world!